“Never good enough”
Country : Martinique- France
Production : My Outre-Mer
Direction : Daniely Francisque
Slam : Lola-Jeanne Cloquell known as « Lola »
Composition and Piano : Christophe Césaire
Artistic Direction and Beatbox : Ven
Language : French, English, and Spanish
Duration : 60 mn
Musiciens : Annick Dantin – Betty Garçault known as B-Lyz
Synopsis :
“Never good enough” or «The Tribe of the Malfinies» is a performance where slam, writing, rhythms, and music intersect. Co-produced by the national stage of Martinique Tropiques Atrium, the show explores violence and questions a devouring society that divides and imposes. The tribe embodies the need to speak out, to raise their voice, in order to reclaim feminist power. Shamelessness, irony, violence, and strength flirt with softness and tenderness, addressing the multifaceted theme of femininity in society with all its presence, echo, and struggle.
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