The Overcoat / Palto
Country: Turkey
Production: Erzurum State Theater
Direction : A. Arif Atalay
Text: "The Overcoat" of Nikolai Vasilyeviç Gogol
Adapted by: Jean Cosmos
Stage Design: Hakan Babaoğlu
Costume: Elif Çakanlı Kurtoğlu
Light Design: Murat Yayla
Music: Selçuk Yılmaz
Language : Turkish
Duration : 105 mn
Performance: E. Cemil BAŞDOĞAN – Yılmaz KARAKUZU – Onur Emre TEBER –
Özlem SAK – Burak Halit GÜNUĞUR – Özlem USLU – Berkay ALKAN
The Permanent Clerk of the Ninth Rank, Akakiy Akakievich, owns an old coat
that no longer protects him from the cold, and his colleagues eventually tear it.
Because of this, Akakievich has a magnificent new coat made for himself at a
high price. After a celebration party was held in honor of the new coat,
however, it was stolen. Despite all his efforts to recover it, he fails. Deeply
affected, he dies from heartbreak. But he returns as a ghost to take his