Country : Russia
Production: Theater School of Dramatic Arts
Direction : Igor Lesov
Text: Alexander Pushkin, based on ‘The Count Nouline’
Assistant Director : Elena Dorodnova
Costumes : Kirill Fedorov
Language: Russian – with Arabic and English surtitles
Performance : Maria Viktorova – Maria Kiseleva – Igor Lesov – Oleg Okhotnichenko Alexandra Gladkova – Daria Rubleva
Based on Pushkin’s poetry, the actors bring to life a theatrical sketch full of humor, lightness, and stage delight. After his carriage overturns, Count Nouline finds refuge with Countess Natalia Pavlovna, alone while her husband is away hunting. The play explores the young count’s unrequited love and delves into the complexities of male-female relationships, loyalty, honor, and duty.