Country: Palestine
Production : British Council Jerusalem / ASHTAR Theatre Ramallah / Palestine
Staging: Clément Dazin
Staging of the Arabic version: Emile Saba
Text : Ashtar Muallem & Clément Dazin
Light creation and technical manager: Tony Guérin
Sound creation: Grégory Adoir
Language : Arabic
Duration : 50 minutes
Performance: Ashtar Muallem
With a great sense of humour and self-mockery Ashtar delivers to us through this show her questions about her life and spirituality. She’s a Jerusalemite artist who lives in her body first. Her body is so elastic, it stretches and bends as a metaphor for her life between two countries, two languages, two cultures, between solitude and togetherness. She tells about her occupied country that is visibly crumbling in front of her eyes
and ends up inviting the manliest man in the room to participate in THE ceremony. “Under a deceptively naive appearance, this committed performance proposes to heal the world by making men cry because
“those who never cry are full of tears…”